Thursday, August 18, 2016

New AU teaser trailer! [WRITTEN BY ISABELLE]

*Your cell phone rings.

*It's someone you don't know.

*You tentatively pick it up.

*Suddenly, a tape starts to play. You can just make out the voices.

*"Isie! Wake up!"

*..."Ugh, what is it, Chris!?"

*"I have a surprise for you!"


*"Downstairs, c'mon!"

*There is a slight pause. Then, the voices come back.

*"Chris, where is it?"

*"Right here!"

*A short silence passes.

*"What is thi- wait a got me..."

*"A Steldroscope. It's what you wanted, right?"

*"Thanks so much, Chris!!!!"

*"You're welcome."

*You then hear a crash in the background.

*"It's him. They're here."

*"We have to escape!"

*"There's no escaping now, Chris. It's time to face my greatest nemesis... and all our possessed friends."

*"You'll die!"

*"Not if you work with me!"

*"Alright then, let's end this ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!"

*The tape ends. Then, another, real voice speaks.

*Hello, Chris. I see that you've managed to escape. But you won't be able to defeat me... or rescue your friends.... EVER.

*C L I C K ...

Teaser about the new AU. Good luck figuring it out....

Monday, March 7, 2016

Saint Patrick's Day Special!

This special mini-roleplay will last from the first of March up until Saint Patrick's Day, focusing on the Awesome Meet's adventures through the ultimate dimension that only exists during the month of March and closes down as April begins, challenging the TAM to find the key to escaping from this new dimension before the portal gate closes and they are locked inside till the next year!

A week after the special ends, the roleplay's content will be edited and up for viewing. Our next mini-roleplay focuses on the event of summer vacation, and begins in early June. Be on the watch for more Awesome Meet news!