Thursday, August 18, 2016

New AU teaser trailer! [WRITTEN BY ISABELLE]

*Your cell phone rings.

*It's someone you don't know.

*You tentatively pick it up.

*Suddenly, a tape starts to play. You can just make out the voices.

*"Isie! Wake up!"

*..."Ugh, what is it, Chris!?"

*"I have a surprise for you!"


*"Downstairs, c'mon!"

*There is a slight pause. Then, the voices come back.

*"Chris, where is it?"

*"Right here!"

*A short silence passes.

*"What is thi- wait a got me..."

*"A Steldroscope. It's what you wanted, right?"

*"Thanks so much, Chris!!!!"

*"You're welcome."

*You then hear a crash in the background.

*"It's him. They're here."

*"We have to escape!"

*"There's no escaping now, Chris. It's time to face my greatest nemesis... and all our possessed friends."

*"You'll die!"

*"Not if you work with me!"

*"Alright then, let's end this ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!"

*The tape ends. Then, another, real voice speaks.

*Hello, Chris. I see that you've managed to escape. But you won't be able to defeat me... or rescue your friends.... EVER.

*C L I C K ...

Teaser about the new AU. Good luck figuring it out....